Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Truth : there is a cure for bipolar disorder !!!

Hi there.

This is a beacon page for a cure for bipolar that I used to ABSOLUTE SUCCESS!!!!!

If you have been suffering under the dark cloud of manic-depression, please email me and I will be happy to share with you about my journey and how to do the meditation that changed my life forever.

please purchase the book on it here:

and then email me with your questions!

It is a 31 minute Kundalini meditation that I did everyday for 90 days.

It stabilized and changed the very fiber of my being and liberated me from the mood swings and altered states that I had experienced for over 14 years.

I have been a seeker and have explored and searched for a cure for the last 8 1/2 years until one day my journey took me to meeting Dr. David Shannahoff-Khalsa face to face!!! Unbelievably, and to my great healing fortune, I was randomly partnered with him at a Yogic Healing Clinic in San Diego, CA 1 year ago, where he told me about his studies and books.
I am so grateful for the wonderful miracle of discovering him and his 30 years of research on Kundalini Yoga Meditation & Psychiatric Disorders.

This particular Meditation I did, is the single most powerful and transformative thing I have done for myself as a former sufferer of bipolar/manic depression...

Please do it!!!!! but note: you must want freedom from this more than anything... I had to make it the absolute priority of my life for 90 it is very difficult!!

It took much practice to build up to being able to do it, which is why I put up this beacon page to help and encourage others to attempt it,, and some tips on how I got through it!

And now the best part is that I have my life back and everyday feel happy and free to enjoy myself all on my OWN, without the bobble & wobble of bipolar interfering!!! Also.. I had been on and off of medications for depression (ie Wellbutrin) for about 14years and now have not taken meds for over a year, all due to my practice of Kundalini Yoga. Furthermore, because of the stabilization process of the Meditation I did, I do not HAVE to practice yoga everyday, only when I feel like it.. I mention that because often people trade one treatment for another.. I am not treating my bipolar with yoga.. I am ABSOLUTELY cured of it. I don't have to do anything to be stable. It's all in the past as part of my incredible journey. Now I just enjoy my life :):) and look for opportunities to help others find liberation from this disease!!!


so email me!!!

love and light,

ps i have no financial stake in the sales of the book; would just like Dr. David Shannahoff-Khalsa to receive due credit. . .

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